Bluff Point Anglican Church - St. Georges

Phone: 08 9923 1206
Location: 369 Chapman Rd, Bluff Point, W.A. 6530

 St Georges have been meeting in the historic church building on Chapman Road, for Christian worship, for about 77 years.

All kinds of people come to St George’s – seniors and young families, teenagers, single parents and people living on their own.

We represent many different backgrounds and interests. Some of our members have been Christians for a long time and some are still exploring the Christian faith.

Apart from Sunday church we run other groups for people through the week. Some of these are;

  • Christianity Explained.

  • Weekly Home groups.

  • Friday night Youth Group & Sunday School.

  • Groups for Men & Women.

As a Christian church you will find we are Bible focussed - we read the Bible to know God better. We are also Jesus focussed - we follow His teaching because it brings truth, freedom & forgiveness. And we are People focussed - we want others to find the joy and peace that comes from knowing Jesus and being in God’s family.

Please feel free to contact us about any of these things – we hope you might join us for church or one of our many groups.​