Midwest Multicultural Association

Phone: 0428 312 338
Address: Sanford Street, Geraldton WA, WA 6530 Australia

The Midwest Multicultural Association (WA) Inc (MWMA)' overarching aim is to promote and celebrate the rich cultural diversity in the Midwest region of Western Australia.

From small beginnings in 2008 the volunteers of the MWMA have developed:

  • English as a Second Language (ESL) classes

  • Harmony Festival held annually in March

  • Festival of Lights held annually in November

  • Multicultural Choir as part of the QEII programs

  • Tastes of the World – monthly cooking demonstrations and lunch at QEII

The aims of the Association are:

  • Respectfully acknowledge the Yamaji people of the Midwest as traditional owners of this region

  • Promote cultural and linguistic diversity (CaLD) within the community

  • Promote social and recreational activities for association members within the wider community

  • Provide assistance in developing social support networks for newly-arrived and local families within the Midwest community

The ESL classes are held at the Queen Elizabeth II Seniors & Community Centre, Durlacher St on Friday afternoons during school terms by qualified volunteer teachers.

The Festivals are cultural events to showcase multicultural music and entertainment accompanied by culinary and artistic experiences from around the world.

The Midwest Multicultural Association (MWMA) helps to promote and celebrate cultural exchange and understanding between Australians and other cultures. It provides assistance in developing social support networks and promotes social and recreational activities for members and migrants living in Geraldton and the Midwest Region.

The Multicultural Choir is open to community members (of all ages) is held on Thursday from 6pm to 7.30pm as part of the QEII programs.

The monthly Tastes of the World cultural lunches are a way of bringing people together while also sharing food and information about different cultures around the world. They are held on the last Thursday of the month at the QEII Centre (except December and January).

Members, Performers and Stall Holders welcome!