Enrolments now open at St Francis Xavier Primary School for Kindergarten in 2016

Enrolments now open at St Francis Xavier Primary School for Kindergarten in 2016.

Children born between July 1 2011 and June 30 2012 are invited to enrol for Kindy in 2016.

The program is offered by an experienced Early Childhood Teacher to children who are turning 4 during the above dates.

It is held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00am – 2:50pm.

The program is grounded in Early Childhood Education beliefs and practices immersed in a Catholic environment. There are no Catholic/non Catholic criteria for enrolling but baptised Catholic children do get priority if there is a waiting list.

Applicants must be fully supportive of the objectives and ethos of Catholic education.

For a flyer on the current day to day running of the program and fee information see http://www.sfxpsgeraldton.wa.edu.au/khandbook.html

An enrolment form is available on our website: http://web.sfxpsgeraldton.wa.edu.au/enrolment.html or by phoning 9921 1711 or email admin@sfxpsgeraldton.wa.edu.au