Local woman undertakes epic world expedition on kayak

Local woman Sandy Robson is kayaking from Germany to Australia.

It’s not every day that someone kayaks from Germany to Australia but local woman Sandy Robson is taking on the ultimate challenge.

Sandy commenced the journey in May of 2011 to kayak the famous historic route from Germany to Australia which was originally made by Oskar Speck in 1932 to 1939.

“I expect my trip to take around five years and I hope I can be paddling into Australian waters to Saibai Island in the Torres Strait by October 2016,” she said.

“That will be a momentous occasion.”

The former John Willcock Senior High School student will be making the journey in five stages and she had already travelled over 10,000kms when she hit Bangladesh last week.

In 2014, Sandy made world record as first person to circumnavigate Sri Lanka by Kayak and was also the first woman to kayak coast of India.

“To sea kayakers, this is a very famous kayak route as it is the longest kayak journey ever made,” she said.

“I am making kayak history by retracing the route and promoting non-motorised water sports and eco-travel.  

“I think that by getting people involved in sports such as kayaking, surfing, snorkelling and kite-boarding those people then develop a good relationship with our ocean environments and want to take care of those environments.  

“I also would like to encourage more women to get out there in the sea too.”

Sandy is part of Sea Kayak Club of Western Australia which has some regional members in Geraldton.

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor, Ian Carpenter, said Sandy’s journey was an inspiration to the community.

“Sandy’s voyage is nothing short of amazing,” he said.

“This is a huge inspiration to so many people and we commend Sandy on this epic journey she is taking.

“She has the full support of the Greater Geraldton community behind her.”

You can follow Sandy’s blog on her website www.sandy-robson.com and also donate to her journey. On conclusion of her trip she will write a travel book to include all of her incredible adventures.

“Living simply out of a kayak, I have found out that there are many things in life that we can do without, but dreams are not one of those things,” Sandy said on her website.


Be inspired, conquer your fears and get out there in a sea kayak - and don’t think I haven’t noticed the lack of women out there on the water.

If I can do it, you can do it too.