5 reasons to use JB Timber Flooring

WA family owned and run business, JB Timber Flooring, are your timber floor technicians!

They pride themselves on their attention to detail, the quality of workmanship and customer service. 

If you are wondering if you should get timber flooring, these five reasons might help you make up your mind. 

1) Timber Flooring is often referred to as a 'living floor': 
Timber continues to move long after it has been removed from the tree.

2) Half the dry weight of timber is carbon: 
The Austalian forestry was measured as being the only carbon positive industry in Australia.

3) Timber Flooring emits less greenhouse gases: 
This is 10 times less than a concrete slab or a steel sub frame, and 5 times less than ceramic floor tiles.

4) Timber lasts longer: 
Timber flooring has a service life of approximately 100 years, carpet lasts 10 - 12 years.

5) You'll receive the best service and quality!
JB Timber Flooring are certified members of ATFA, the Australian Timber Flooring Association. They ensure their customers receive quality products, service and information to provide you a hassle free experience and a beautiful floor.

So if you're after a flawless timber floor and fantastic customer service, give JB Timber Flooring a call on 0417 998 125.