This boy from Strath just made a stranger's day

A big shout out to a high school boy named TREVOR of Strathalbyn College for helping me get my car out of our garage this morning.

Power was out in Strathalbyn and I didn't know what to do. My husband was already at work and me and my 4-year old daughter were going to school. I saw Trevor on his scooter, going to school and asked him if he had a celphone that I could borrow so that I could ring a taxi (sad to say, I ran out of celphone credit and I couldn't recharge because the internet was not working too).

He said he doesn't have one and asked me what's the problem. I told him about the garage door. And then he told me that the garage door can be opened manually (I never knew that.. sorry people). And then he helped me, and just in time, we arrived at Allendale Primary School.

Today is my daughter's book week parade and because of this kid's help my daughter won a prize, yay!!!

Again, thank you so much TREVOR for the help.

- M.