Chapman Animal Hospital now has a Mobile Clinic

It’s no secret that many pets hate coming to the vet. There are strange noises, smells and new people and that’s often intimidating for our furry friends. At Chapman Animal Hospital they believe in treating your pets like they would their own. They are always thinking of new ways to make life a bit easier for you and your pet and so, they have recently begun mobile clinics for the Geraldton and Northampton communities.

This mobile clinic is perfect for busy families trying to juggle work commitments, children and school as well as doing the very best for your pets.

These mobile clinics are available once a month for routine appointments such as vaccinations, microchips, medication reviews, nail clips and much more, all in the comfort of your own home!

Just give them a call on 99642828 for more information or to book your appointment now. 

How easy is that!!