Cash for Containers | Cash for Containers

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Cash for Containers Schemes (or Container Deposit Schemes or Legislation) have been around for a long time. Everyone is familiar with the South Australian Container Deposit Legislation (CDL), where consumers receive 10 cents back for recycling their used beverage containers at collection depots. CDL in South Australia has been in place since 1977, and is extremely successful. It is widely acknowledged that it would be politically unwise for any political party to attempt to remove CDL. A recent survey conducted by the South Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) found 98% of the South Australian population supported CDL.

WALGA, through the Container Deposit Systems Policy Forum, has initiated an advocacy campaign to encourage all political parties to commit to implementing a WA based Cash for Containers Scheme. Implementing this type of Scheme at a National level has been discussed for a number of years. However, it is unlikely that the current Federal level discussions will result in tangible outcomes in the near future.