Arrests following pursuit

During the night of 26 August 2015, a Holden Commodore utility and a Mazda hatchback were stolen during a burglary in Caversham, Perth. 

On 27 August 2015, the Holden Commodore was sighted by police, travelling along Indian Ocean Road, Jurien Bay. It will be alleged that following attempts to intercept the vehicle, the vehicle failed to stop and continued towards Geraldton. 

After an effective deployment of the “stinger” it is alleged the youths abandoned the vehicle in a paddock near Dongara. Geraldton Police Dog Handler and Police Dog Bucky, with the assistance of Jurien Bay Police, Dongara Police and Mid-West Gascoyne Traffic Enforcement Group, apprehended four youths running from the stolen vehicle.

A 14 year old male from Nollamara was charged with Steal Motor Vehicle x 2 and receiving, another two 14 year old males from Mirrabooka and Koondoola were charged with Steal Motor Vehicle x 2 and a 15 year old male from Lockridge charged with Steal Motor Vehicle x 2 and No Authority to Drive. All four males were conveyed to Geraldton Police Station and will attend Geraldton Children’s Court at a later date. 

PD BUCKY at the scene