Brickstory Project launches City’s Everlasting Program

WA Country Builders and the City of Greater Geraldton have entered into the first ‘Everlasting Partnership’ with the construction of the Brickstory project, which will replace the toilet blocks at Back Beach and Glendinning Park, scheduled to begin in October.

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor, Ian Carpenter, congratulated WA Country Builders being the first local business to come on board as a Diamond Everlasting Sponsor for City projects under the Everlasting Partnership Program

“The City is very pleased to partner with WA Country Builders, a local business through and through, in our new sponsorship program that enables business and industry to sponsor or partner with the City to deliver projects and programs the community highly values,” said Mayor Carpenter.

WA Country Builders Mid West General Manager, Phil Raven, said the Brickstory Project was about giving back to the community by providing them with the facilities they want most. The newly designed facilities will meet current Australian Standards and will be universally accessible.

“WA Country Builders have been in Geraldton for 21 years and we wanted to give something back to the community.  When the opportunity arose to partner with the City to deliver projects on their capital works priority list we knew it was an opportunity we didn’t want to miss,” said Mr Raven.

“The construction of the two toilet blocks was the most voted for project by locals during the Brickstory promotion late last year.  They are now being constructed and will be completed and ready for use just in time for summer,” he added.

Demolition of the existing toilet blocks will begin in early October with a 10 week period programmed for both demolition and construction, alternative toilet facilities will be provided during the project. 

The City has a range of initiatives available for partnership ranging from Bronze level sponsorship starting at $1000 up to Diamond level for $60,000 or more.  For more information on the Everlasting Program contact the City on 9956 6600.