Australian science on show at Pollinators in Science Week

Member for Durack Melissa Price has congratulated Pollinators for its efforts to inspire people to experience a taste of Australia’s great scientific expertise through The Goodness Festival. 

“I’m thrilled that Durack will participate in National Science Week this August, with Pollinators selected to receive $15,000 from the Turnbull Government to ignite local science engagement,” Ms Price said. 

The Goodness Festival is among 41 projects chosen nationally to receive funding in a $500,000 grant round announced this week by Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Christopher Pyne. 

These initiatives will give Australians from all walks of life the opportunity to meet scientists, explore many different aspects of science, discuss the hot topics and celebrate the contribution of Australian science to our society, culture and economy. 

“This grant will help showcase and celebrate innovation and achievement towards sustainability in the Mid West, and raise awareness of just how important a role science plays in everyday life,” Ms Price said 

“Science is critical to our wellbeing, prosperity and international competitiveness, so engaging the community and equipping young people with future-focused knowledge and skills is vital. 

“That’s why the Turnbull Government has committed $1.1 billion through the National Innovation and Science Agenda to incentivise innovation and entrepreneurship, and promote science, maths and computing in schools.” 

The successful grant recipients were announced by Minister Pyne at Adelaide’s Magill Primary School. Mr Pyne was joined by Professor Flint, the singing palaeontologist whose science-themed musical A Brief History of Life, the Universe and Everything will tour South Australia during National Science Week. 

From examining the pests in Perth’s pantries; to a mobile HealthLAB touring the Territory; from citizens scientists saving Nemo; to celebrating Indigenous science and scientists at Redfern; Science Week festivities take place around the country. 

National Science Week has become one of Australia’s largest festivals since it was first held in 1997. Last year 1.3 million people participated in over 1700 events and activities nationally, including local science festivals, music and comedy shows, expert panel discussions, interactive hands-on displays, open days and online activities. 

National Science Week is supported by the Australian Government, with partners CSIRO, the Australian Science Teachers Association and the ABC. Sponsors include NewScientist, Cosmos, Popular Science and PrimaryConnections. 

National Science Week will run from August 13 to 21 with more details available at