S-Bend to be realigned

Part 2 of the Brand Highway realignment will be the straightening of the Brand Highway S-Bend.

The design has already been completed and authorities are currently trying to acquire the land for the project.

Transport Minister Dean Nalder was in Geraldton last week to officially open the new Greenough River traffic bridge, which was stage one of the Brand Highway realignment project.

“The State Government has committed $18million to this whole project and there are 3 stages," Mr Nalder said.

"The first stage which was the Greenough River Bridge which was about $8.1 million so it leaves us roughly $10 million for the other two stages.

“The design for Stage 2, which will focus on the realignment of Brand Highway through the S-Bend curves to join up with the existing highway south of the S-Bend Caravan Park, is now finalised and land requirements are being finalised.”

Main Roads Regional Gascoyne Manager Bernie Miller, said they had started a notice of intention process which will conclude in February 2015.

The S-Bend section of the highway is used by approximately 2,800 vehicles daily and since 2007 there have 20 crashes resulting in 5 fatalities.

“We want to straighten the S-Bend to take out the risks of those curves,” Mr Nalder said.

Mr Nalder could not give an exact timeline as to when to project would get underway.

The final stage of the Brand Highway realignment will include realigning the road from the S-Bend Caravan Park to south of Bookara East Road.