Changes to MEEDAC Tip Shop opening hours

The City of Greater Geraldton wishes to advise there are changes to the MEEDAC Tip Shop opening hours.

Located at Meru landfill, the Tip Shop will now be open from Thursday to Monday from 7am to 3:30pm.

On Tuesdays and Wednesday the facility is only open for processing recyclable material and is not open for sales or to drop off items. 

For more information contact the City of 9956 6600.

Chinese photographers showcase Coral Coast in exhibition

You haven’t seen the Coral Coast captured like this before! 

In a brand new photography exhibition, Through the Dragon’s Eyes showcases the region through the lens of Chinese photographers from the Zhongyi Photography Club.

The first exhibition of its kind in Western Australia will be on display at the Museum of Geraldton from 12 April 2019 to promote and showcase Australia’s Coral Coast.

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said the region was an emerging destination for photography themed tourism.

“We are attracting more and more photographers who are discovering Western Australia as the perfect place for amazing photography due to the unique landscape and pristine natural environment,” he said.

“Not only do we have some of the most stunning landscapes in the world here on the Coral Coast, but we also boast clear skies which is perfect for capturing the stars and night sky.” 

The exhibition is comprised of 40 photographs taken by 22 different Chinese photographers.

The exhibiting photographers visited Geraldton in September 2018 and January 2019 as part of the Photography Club’s international tutorial program.

With a main focus on landscapes and nightscapes, the photos capture locations including Geraldton, Lancelin, Cervantes, Northampton and Kalbarri. 

“People from the region tend to see these landscapes every single day and become desensitized to the unique beauty,” Mayor Van Styn added.

“So it’s great to have international guests, some seeing our region for the very first time, capturing the amazing Coral Coast.”

The exhibition is a joint initiative between the City of Greater Geraldton, Easy Going Travel Services, Museum of Geraldton and Zhongyi Photography Club.

It will be on display at the Museum of Geraldton from Friday 12 April until Sunday 12 May.

Bursaries provide professional development for future leaders of the Western rock lobster Industry

Western Rock Lobster is pleased to announce it has awarded ten $3,000 bursaries to attend the 2019 Trans-Tasman Rock Lobster Congress in Queenstown, New Zealand.

The bursaries provide professional development for future leaders of the Western rock lobster Industry and target skippers and crew members who are actively engaged in fishing operations. 

CEO Matt Taylor said he was encouraged by the many strong, diverse and passionate applications received and commended all applicants on their desire to further build their capacity, knowledge and networks within the industry.

“The bursary applications illustrate our young fishers’ strong industry ambitions, drive and commitment so we are excited to be able to assist them with capacity building and professional development to help deliver benefits and security to both them personally and our industry in to the future,” he said.

“Attending the 2019 Trans-Tasman Rock Lobster Congress is an exciting opportunity which will allow participants to further network with rock lobster fishers, managers and scientists from across Australia and New Zealand, and will really help support their aspirations and future involvement within the industry.”

WRL will continue to provide bursaries so those who missed out this time around will have further opportunities to get involved in the future. 

“WRL is committed to engaging with future leaders and building industry leadership development so we will continue to provide opportunities in the future to assist with capacity building and professional development,” Mr Taylor said.

In October 2018, WRL held its first DECK Program which aims to build capacity within the industry. 

Mr Taylor said the DECK Program provides professional development opportunities for participants to build their industry knowledge, skills, capability and networks to continually improve their fishing operations and business management.

“The DECK Program is part of WRL’s commitment to developing young future leaders for the western rock lobster Industry.”

Congratulations to Kurt Glass, Chris Williams, Lance Dawe, Michael Butcher, Eddie Fernandes, James Camarda, Radley Woodcock, Stephen Minutillo, Frank Rodriguez and Ashley Cole on their successful bursary applications.

We look forward to working with the bursary winners further and helping grow the positive impact our young future leaders will have on our State’s iconic Western rock lobster industry. 

The bursaries have been funded by WRL through its Industry Partnership Agreement with the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC).

Ongoing contamination moves bin location

The community is being urged to use the blue plastic recycling bins properly.

Ongoing contamination of a blue plastics recycle bin in Drummonds has resulted in the bin moving locations 

The bin was located in the carpark at the Drummond Cove Hall but has now been moved to Bayside Park in Drummond Cove.

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said it was disappointing that the community were not respecting the bins.

“It’s such a shame that we are having to empty a lot of these bins straight into landfill when we are trying to promote recycling and sustainability,” he said.

“It’s even more disappointing that after urging the community to use the bins correctly, they are still being contaminated.”

The blue recycle bin located at Waggrakine Primary School is also being continually contaminated and will be moved if contamination persists.

A total of 15 bins are located around Geraldton and are for the purpose of recycling type 1 and 2 plastics only.

To identify what plastics are type 1 and 2, look for the symbol on the item. Plastics include soft drink, juice and water bottles as well as common white or coloured plastic such as milk containers and shampoo bottles. 

People are also reminded to remove bottle lids and rinse the bottles out before recycling.

The locations of the bins are:

  • Beachlands Primary School – Corner of Whitfield St and Bradley St

  • Bluff Point Primary School – 18 Mitchell St

  • Opposite Glenfield IGA Sunset Beach – Chapman Road

  • Drummond Cove – Bayside Park

  • Geraldton Primary School – Augustus St

  • Geraldton Surf Lifesaving Club – 260 Willcock Drive

  • Leaning Tree Community School – 15 Bayly St

  • Mt Tarcoola Primary School – Acacia St

  • Paringa Park – Paringa St, Mount Tarcoola

  • PCYC – 105 Pass St, Wonthella

  • QEII Seniors and Community Centre Carpark – 88 Durlacher Street

  • Strathalbyn Christian College – 15 Cedar Cres

  • Tip Shop - 61 Landfill Lane, Narngulu

  • Waggrakine Primary School – Hall Rd

  • Wandina Primary School – 29 Ajax Dr

For more information about recycling in Geraldton, head to

2020 Academic Scholarships

Scholarships available for 2020 are now open. The closing date is 1 May 2019 and the tests will take place in the Geraldton Grammar library on the 11 May. There are three levels of exams; level 1 for students starting year 7 in 2020, level 2 for those students starting year 9 in 2020 and level 3 for those students starting year 11 in 2020.

The scholarships are academic in nature and the exams require the applicants to sit 4 tests. The program is managed by ACER so as to ensure an objective process and further information is available on their website. In order to enrol in the exams, applicants must register at ACER by following this link Should you have any questions please contact the Deputy Principal, Mr Derek Lange -

Prescribed burn in Utakarra

The City of Greater Geraldton wishes to advise it will be undertaking a prescribed burn in Utakarra on bushland east of Abraham Street between the Geraldton Cemetery and Solomon Circle.

It will take place on Wednesday 3 April 2019 commencing at approximately 9.30am.

This burn will only proceed with favourable weather conditions. If the weather is not favourable, the burn will be postponed until further notice.

The Waggrakine, Cape Burney and Moonyoonooka Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades as well as the DFES Midwest/Gascoyne Mitigation Team will be on site to control the burn rate and extinguish the fire by the end of the day. 

Smoke from this prescribed burn may affect the surrounding areas. If you have a respiratory condition or are affected by smoke you should contact your local doctor or call Health Direct on 1800 022 222. 

Prescribed burns are being undertaken by the City to mitigate the severity of bushfires and to help protect lives and property by reducing the build-up of flammable fuel loads.

Members of the community are requested to exercise caution and obey all warning signs and directions from authorised City personnel and contractors.

The City apologises for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any queries please contact the City on (08) 9956 6600 or email

Kinetic creation celebrates Festival elements

A giant kinetic sculpture in the form of a colourful lionfish joins the program for this year’s Wind on Water Festival.

Heads will turn as a giant kinetic sculpture in the form of a colourful lionfish joins the program for this year’s Wind on Water Festival. 

Celebrating the elements of wind and water, the giant kinetic sculpture comes to life through a bicycle, and the community is invited to help! 

With thanks to sponsorship from Stirlings Shopping Centre, artists Travis Bullock and Constance Titterton will create the bicycle-powered fish in the shopping centre as well as host workshops based around bikes. 

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said the community will love contributing to an element that they will also get to see in action. 

“This is just another amazing element of the Wind on Water Festival,” he said. 

“Not only can you go and help bring it to life, but thousands will enjoy the sculpture as it makes its way up and down the Foreshore over the Easter long weekend. 

“A big thank you goes out to Stirlings Shopping Centre for sponsoring this element, we know it will be a hit!” 

As well as creating the sculpture, there will be free drop-in workshops. The workshops include helmet art and disc art. 

Attendees can bring their own bike helmet, and the materials are provided to create your very own fish helmet art. 

Disc art involves painting bike discs to take home and spruce up your bike. Materials are provided. 

The workshops will take place at Stirlings Shopping Centre outside Woolworths on Tuesday 16 April to Thursday 18 April from 10am-2pm daily.

The community can find out more about the kinetic sculpture by attending an artist talk on Thursday 18 April at 4pm. You can RSVP for the event by 

The kinetic creation will be on display at the WoW Fest on Saturday 20 April and Sunday 21 April. 

For more information about WoW Fest, head to

New footpath construction in Cape Burney

The City of Greater Geraldton wishes to advise it will be constructing a new footpath in Cape Burney at the northern side of Greenough River Road between Hull Street and River Drive.

Works are scheduled to commence on Monday 1 April 2019 and will take approximately five weeks to complete.

These works are part of the approximate 5000m of new footpaths being constructed this financial year.

The anticipated hours of work will be from 7am to 6pm and traffic management will be in place during this time.

Members of the community are requested to exercise caution and obey all warning signs and directions from authorised City personnel and contractors.

The City apologises for any inconvenience these works may cause. If you have any queries please contact the City on (08) 9956 6600 or email

Nangetty-Walkaway Road works underway

The City of Greater Geraldton wishes to advise road widening and reseal works will be undertaken to part of Nangetty-Walkaway Road, north of Gunnado Road on Monday 1 April 2019 for a period of approximately four weeks. 

These works are part of the $3,965,000 allocated in the 2018/19 Budget for road renewals and are 66 percent grant funded from the Regional Road Group Scheme. 

The anticipated hours of work will be from 7am to 6pm, with traffic management in place during this time. 

Members of the community are requested to exercise caution and obey all warning signs and directions from authorised City personnel and contractors. The City apologises for any inconvenience these works may cause. 

If you have any queries please contact the City on (08) 9956 6600 or email  

International artist brings Divine Assembly to Geraldton

Louise Paramor is bringing her exhibition Divine Assembly to Geraldton.

Featuring colourful plastic assemblages and collages, internationally renowned Australian artist Louise Paramor is bringing her exhibition Divine Assembly to Geraldton. 

Well known for her large-scale public art commissions, which often combine formal concerns with a pop-inspired sensibility, the claimed exhibition will be on display at Geraldton Regional Art Gallery. 

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said many people would be able to relate to the pieces. 

“The colours and scale of Louise’s work present a playful exhibition which will appeal to people of all ages,” he said. 

“This exhibition is an exciting opportunity to see award-winning work by one of Australia’s best artists without having to travel to the eastern states.” 

Louise has regularly exhibited her work nationally and internationally since 1988, and has been awarded several grants and international residencies including an Australia Council Fellowship at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, 1999-2000. 

In 2010 she won the prestigious McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award with her piece Top Shelf. 

The collection of raw material alone is impressive, with acquisitions from mining operations, plastic moulding companies and furniture production forming sculptures up to 6ft tall. 

With an exceptional knack for selecting objects that were once functional, Louise has created a unique series by stripping away practical context and arranging objects together to create fantastical apparatuses. 

The deliberate compositions of industrial scale also combines the art of plastic recycling, fitting in perfectly with the increasingly environmentally-conscious community.

The official opening for Divine Assembly will take place at the Geraldton Regional Art Gallery on Friday 5 April from 6pm. 

The exhibition will be on display until 26 May 2019. 

For more information, head to or contact the Gallery on 9956 6750.


Family Violence is a significant social issue in our community. It is preventable. With collaborative community action we can make a difference.


1st April 2019, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Geraldton Multipurpose Centre, 254 Marine Terrace, Geraldton

The Launch will showcase local businesses and organisations that have decided to say #ViolenceIsNEVEROk by signing the Agreement for Businesses and Organisations and committing to do what they can to prevent family violence.

The event will start with a morning tea catered by Taste Buds, followed by key speakers from local organisations discussing why preventing family violence is important to them and why signing up is just good business.

This is a FREE event, but please RSVP to Monica at Desert Blue Connect on 9964 2742 or

For more information on the prevention of family violence or to see how your business or organisation can be involved go to our website:



  • Roger Beer, Superintendent
    WA Police Force, Geraldton

  • Russell Pratt, Chief Executive Officer
    Desert Blue Connect

  • Vickie Williams, General Manager
    Mid West Ports Authority

  • Peter Treharne,
    City of Greater Geraldton

  • Bendigo Bank representative

Grant funding for safer cycling secured

New shared cycle paths along the NWCH will connect to existing paths in the Chapman River Regional Park.

The City has successfully secured State Government funding to construct cycle paths along the North West Coastal Highway to improve cycle and pedestrian access to the Chapman River Regional Park.

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said providing safe access to the recently completed mountain bike facilities in the Chapman River Regional Park for people who live on the east side of the highway is paramount.

“Since the completion of the jump and pump track and skills track at Spalding Park and the formalisation of the mountain bike trail in the Chapman River Regional Park the number of people visiting the area in the last six months has dramatically increased,” he said.

“The 680m long off-road shared cycle path on the east side of the NWCH will help guide community members from Green Street to the existing underpass on the south side of the bridge enabling people of all ages who want to access the popular facilities with a safe way to cross the busy highway.”

The Department of Transport’s (DoT) Western Australian Bicycle Network Grants Program will fund 50% of the $230,000 design and construction costs of an off-road shared cycle path to connect Splading to the asphalt cycle paths located on the west side of the highway.

The City has also secured funding from the DoT Safe Active Streets Program to undertake the design and consultation of an off-road shared path on the west side of the NWCH linking Spalding Park to Green Street and includes the transformation of Railway Street into a Safe Active Street for cyclists.

The Safe Active Streets Program delivers cycle routes on quiet local streets, where speeds have been reduced to 30km/h to allow people in cars and on bikes to share the street safely. This will be a pilot program for the regions and is fully funded by DoT.

Both the shared cycle paths on the east and west sides of the NWCH were identified as a secondary network routes in the Geraldton 2050 Cycling Strategy.

Both projects will be completed in 2019/20 financial year.

Council approves grant funding for local sporting clubs

Kart racing at the Midwest Kart Club

Kart drivers, BMX riders and soccer players are one-step closer to training and competing at improved sporting facilities after Council approved applications to improve club infrastructure via the State Government’s Community Sporting & Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF).

The Midwest Kart Club’s application for $42,305 to renew the surface of their racing track along with applications for $20,973 and $25,300 to replace the existing metal halide flood light luminaries with energy efficient LEDS at Woorree Park BMX track and the Eighth Street West soccer grounds respectively now await the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries approval under the CSRFF funding scheme.


City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries CSRFF assists sporting clubs to develop and improve their infrastructure.

“The CSRFF funding program is open to all sporting clubs who want to increase participation their particular sport or recreation by providing quality facilities that are sustainable,” he said.

“Council is always keen to support clubs who work hard to raise one-third of the funds needed to make improvements to their facilities which ultimately benefits the community.

“All three of these organisations provide people of all ages with important sports and recreation opportunities that unite and bring our community together.”

CSRFF grants are offered as one-third funding contributions from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. The remaining two-thirds of project costs are equally shared by the applicant and the City.

Clock Tower Square construction works begin

The City of Greater Geraldton wishes to advise construction works on the Clock Tower Square portion of the Rocks Laneway Project will begin on Thursday 28 March 2019.

To ensure community safety, the footpath and the Square will be fenced off until project completion in September 2019.

Pedestrians are requested to use the footpath on the opposite side of Marine Terrace. Members of the community are also requested to exercise caution and obey all warning signs and directions from authorised City personnel and contractors.

The City apologises for any inconvenience these works may cause.

If you have any queries please contact the City on (08) 9956 6600 or email

Opening acts boost WoW Fest Concert line-up

Supporting acts have been locked in for the RedFM WoW Fest concert.

Tell your friends, get your tickets, because the RedFM WoW Fest Concert line-up just got a whole lot bigger! 

As part of the Wind on Water Festival 2019, The Temper Trap will headline the concert with special guest Tkay Maidza. 

Supporting acts have now been locked in to open the show which include DJ Amod3us, hip hop performers W3 Were Here and local DJ Sunday Best. 

Adding hype to the concert, City of Greater Geraldton Shane Van Styn said the opening acts were primed to get the crowd excited! 

“We have two very big headline acts for WoW Fest and we’re ecstatic to have three supporting groups that will get concert goers pumped!” he said. 

“It’s great to have varied artists on our local stages and we know how much our community loves live music. 

“If you haven’t got your tickets already, I’d highly recommend it. You won’t want to miss this.” 

Hailing from Perth, DJ Amod3us is an electronic/house music producer and DJ. 

Whilst his roots lie with funky, classic piano house vibes, his adaptation to new music has seen him mixing a Chicago house/NY style with a mixture of deep, funky bass driven, upbeat vibe, full of strong piano house riffs and spine tingling soulful vocals. 

With tickets just $30, thousands are set to pack the Foreshore for the Concert. 

Local musicians will also feature over the two-day long Festival as part of the Emerging Artists Stage. 

A swag of home-grown talent will create a great atmosphere for Festival attendees as they provide free entertainment from 11am onwards over the Easter long weekend. 

Tickets for the RedFM WoW Fest Concert on Sunday 21 April are still available at

School Holiday Workshops

School Holiday Workshops - because we all need some Performing Arts to liven up our holidays!

*Enrol via our website:


Geraldton, Fitzgerald St Studio

Wed 24th April

Cost: $5

Y1/2- 10am (45mins)

Y3,4,5- 11am (45mins)

Y6+- 12pm (60 mins)


Mingenew Rec centre

18th, 20th, 26th April

Cost: Free! (Thanks to the Shire of Mingenew)

Y 1/2: 10am (45 mins)

Y 3,4,5- 10:45am (60 mins)

Y 5+: 11:45am (90 mins)


Changes to parking in Carpark 1

The City of Greater Geraldton wishes to advise of the temporary closure of nine car parking bays located directly behind the Rocks building in Carpark 1 on Foreshore Drive, to facilitate construction of the Rocks Laneway Project.

The closure will be in place from Monday 18 March until the estimated date of project completion in September 2019.

Members of the community are requested to exercise caution and obey all warning signs and directions from authorised City personnel and contractors.

The City apologises for any inconvenience these works may cause.

If you have any queries please contact the City on (08) 9956 6600 or email

Have your say on Rocks Laneway arts and performances

Artists, musicians, performers, dancers and craft makers of all kinds are invited to have a say on how the Rocks Laneway can become ‘the stage’ for local artists and artisans.

The Rocks Laneway features three areas for local artists to exhibit and perform within the former Rocks building, at the revamped Clock Tower Square and along the Post Office Lane.

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said the Rocks Laneway provides a vibrant backdrop for year round arts and cultural events and activities.

“The many wall spaces throughout the Laneway area, which include light boxes on the Telstra building in the Post Office Lane, could become the hub for community art exhibitions,” he said.

“Whilst the considerable under cover ‘floor space’ in the Former Rocks building and the open air spaces in the Post Office Square and Post Office Lane has the potential to become a community performance centre.

“City region artisans could also use the area to market their creations which could even include Chef long table events featuring local produce during any local festival.”

If you have ideas on how you would like to showcase your talents, or the talents of a group you belong to, then come along to The Rocks Laneway Drop-In Session on Thursday 4 April 2019 from 3-5pm in the Randolph Stow Room at the Geraldton Regional Library.

Ideas submitted at the session will inform the development of the Rocks Laneway Public Arts Strategy and Place Management Plan.

For more information on the project, visit the city website

Council cuts red tape to activate CBD

Parklet trial in front of the Geraldton Regional Library

Retailers and restaurateurs in the CBD will no longer need to seek approval from the City to activate the streets in front of their businesses.

The recently endorsed ‘Activating Thoroughfares in the City Centre’ Policy cuts red tape by pre-approving a range of activities so people can enjoy outdoor areas.

City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said the policies were about bringing the CBD to life.

“One of the key objectives of revitalising the City centre is to create comfortable and exciting places and streets people want to visit and will enjoy,” he said.

“By getting rid of the bureaucratic process we are encouraging businesses to use the footpaths and thoroughfares for a greater range of activities.

“The goal is to make it as easy as possible for retailers and restaurateurs to utilise this space so they can go ahead and do what is best for them.”

The Activating Thoroughfares in the City Policy utilises existing paving treatments for retailers to locate the pre-approved areas for activities such as outdoor dining, advertising, sale of goods or the beautification of streetscape with plants or others objects.

The Rocks Laneway, currently under construction, is also set to activate the City centre with a range of community events and activities.

Council also adopted the Parklet Local Planning Policy, which will enable businesses in the CBD to create small public parks in the existing streetscape by transforming an existing car parking space.

Mayor Van Styn said the successful parklet trial held in the CBD last year was the driving force behind the new policy.

“In June 2017, the City partnered with Pollinators to undertake a parklet trial in a couple of locations in the CBD,” he said.

“Community feedback on the trial was extremely positive with almost 80 per cent of the people who responded to a community survey stating they enjoyed using the parklets and 87 per cent wanted to see more parklets throughout the CBD.”

If you have any ideas on how you would like to use the Rocks Laneway spaces which includes an undercover area in the former Rocks building and open air spaces in a revamped Clock Tower Square and the Post Office Lane share to activate the CBD, you can have your say on City on the website