Flotsam and Jetsam Art Competition Collection

Latitude Gallery As part of Clean Up Australia Day, Pia Boschetti of Latitude Gallery will be taking a team of Volunteers to the Abrolhos Islands on Saturday to collect all the flotsam and jetsam (rubbish that has been floating in the ocean and washed ashore) items include washed up ropes, old wood, plastics, bottles anything that we find washed up. To enter in this years Flotsam and Jetsam Art completion where the prize pool is near $3000 in value to must collect your flotsam and jetsam goodies from the Geraldton Fishermens Wharf on Monday 3rd March. You will then have 30 days to create a recycled masterpiece of art that will go on display in Latitude Gallery from 4th April to 5 May 2014 . follow us on Latitude Gallery facebook page -Location: Geraldton Fishermens Wharf
-Start Time: 03 Mar 2014 09:00 AM -Contact: Pia Boschetti 04276434370 or Latitude Gallery 99646601