Assistance for farming families

Federal Member for Durack Melissa Price has welcomed the passing of legislation that will see permanent assistance available for Durack farming families under the new Farm Household Allowance.

The allowance, paid at the same rate as NewStart Allowance, replaces Exceptional Circumstances arrangements from 1 July 2014. It will also replace the Interim Farm Household Allowance introduced to help farmers in the lead up to commencement of the legislated allowance.

“Until recently the asset test for this sort of payment has been an issue. In particular the value of on- farm assets has been a barrier to some farming families being eligible for income assistance,” Ms Price said.

“The new payment has a higher asset test, making it more realistic for farming families in hardship to access assistance.

“The allowance will be available to farmers and their partners who meet the criteria – the funding is uncapped; we’re not limiting how many farmers we help.”

The Farm Household Allowance will be available to recipients for up to three years. Recipients will be automatically issued with a Health Care Card, and have access to $3,000 for support or training.

This payment will come into effect on 1 July 2014. For those needing immediate assistance the Interim Farm Household Allowance is available.

For more information about assistance measures call 13 23 16 or visit the website Assistance Measures.