Don't forget to vote!

vote Don’t forget that tomorrow, Saturday, April 5 it is compulsory for all Australian citizens 18 years and over enrolled in Western Australia to vote in the election, even if they are visiting or working interstate.

Voting is open from 8am to 6pm and here are the following places that you can go to place your vote:

-Beachlands Primary School, Whitfield Street -Bluff Point Primary School, Mitchell Street -Cape Burney Volunteer Fire Brigade, Hull Street -John Batten Community Hall, Whitehill Road -Geraldton Primary School, Augustust Street -Geraldton Regional Hospital, Shenton Street -Geraldton, Lester Avenue -St John of God Hospital, Hermitage Street -Mount Tarcoola Primary School, Forden Street -Rangeway Primary School, Cassia Street -Spalding Family Centre, Mitchell Street -Waggrakine Primary School, Hall Road

For a full list of places to vote throughout the Midwest and WA click here.